
english funny names by ethanwiner

  1. Funny Names by ETHANWINER( http://www.ethanwiner.com/funnames.html )
  2. Adam Baum
  3. Adam Zapel
  4. Al Bino
  5. Al Dente
  6. Al Fresco
  7. Al K. Seltzer
  8. Alf A. Romeo
  9. Ali Katt
  10. Amanda Lay (real person)
  11. Amanda Lynn (a mandolin)
  12. Amber Green
  13. Andy Friese (as in antifreeze, a real race car driver)
  14. Anita Bath, Anita Bohn, Anita Dick, Anita Friske, Anita Hanke (real person), Anita Goodman, Anita Hoare, Anita Job
  15. Anita Knapp, Anita Lay, Anita Little, Anita Mann, Anita Mandalay, Anita Plummer, Anita Shower
  16. Anna Graham
  17. Anna Prentice (an apprentice)
  18. Anna Recksiek (anorexic)
  19. Anna Sasin
  20. Anne Teak
  21. Annette Curtain
  22. Annie Howe, Annie Matter
  23. April May (a real person I knew in high school)
  24. April Schauer (allegedly a real person)
  25. Aretha Holly
  26. Armand Hammer
  27. Art Major, Art Painter, Art Sellers
  28. B.A. Ware
  29. Barb Dwyer
  30. Barb E. Dahl
  31. Barbara Seville
  32. Barry Cade
  33. Bea Minor and Dee Major
  34. Beau Archer, Beau Tye
  35. Ben Dover, Ben Down, Eileen Dover, Skip Dover
  36. Ben Marcata (a musical term)
  37. Bess Eaton (donut shop chain)
  38. Biff Wellington
  39. Bill Board
  40. Bill Ding
  41. Bill Foldes
  42. Bill Loney
  43. Billy Rubin
  44. Bob Apple
  45. Bob Katz, Tom Katz, Kitty Katz
  46. Bonnie Ann Clyde
  47. Bonnie Beaver, MD - she's an Ob/Gyn of course!
  48. Brad Hammer (carpenter joke)
  49. Brandon Cattell
  50. Brandy Anne Koch (Brandy and Coke)
  51. Brandy D. Cantor
  52. Brighton Early
  53. Brock Lee
  54. Brooke Trout
  55. Bud Light
  56. Bud Wieser (real college math teacher)
  57. Buster Cherry, Buster Hyman
  58. C. Good (alledgedly a real eye doctor)
  59. C. Senor
  60. C. Worthy
  61. Cam Payne
  62. Candace Spencer (can dispenser)
  63. Candy Barr, Candy Baskett, Candy Kane, Candy Sweet
  64. Cara Sterio (alleged real person)
  65. Cara Van
  66. Carrie Dababi ("carry the baby" - Dababi is an Egyptian name)
  67. Carrie Oakey
  68. Casey Macy
  69. Cheri Pitts, Harry Pitts
  70. Chip Munk
  71. Chip Stone (sculptor)
  72. Chris Coe
  73. Chris Cross
  74. Chris P. Bacon
  75. Chuck U. Farley
  76. Chuck Waggon
  77. Claire Annette Reed
  78. Constance Noring
  79. Corey Ander
  80. Corey O. Graff
  81. Count Dunn, Count Orff
  82. Coyne Flatt (real person)
  83. Craven Moorehead
  84. Crystal Ball
  85. Crystal Claire Waters
  86. Crystal Glass, Crystal Snow
  87. D. Kay, DDS
  88. D. Liver
  89. Dan D. Lyons
  90. Dan Druff
  91. Dan Saul Knight
  92. Darren Deeds
  93. Daryl Rhea
  94. Dick Bender (real sports person)
  95. Dick Burns
  96. Dick Bush (real person)
  97. Dick Face
  98. Dick Finder (real name of a urologist)
  99. Dick Head, Dick Hertz
  100. Dick Hyman (famous jazz musician)
  101. Dick Hunter (my junior high principal - really!)
  102. Dick Mussell
  103. Dick Pole (real major league baseball player)
  104. Dick Rasch (real person)
  105. Dick Swett
  106. Dick Tator
  107. Dick Trickle (real person, a NASCAR driver)
  108. Dick Wood (real person, emailed me)
  109. Dickson Yamada
  110. Dilbert Pickles
  111. Dinah Soares
  112. Dixon, Cox, and Peters (law firm)
  113. Don Key
  114. Donald Duck
  115. Donny Brook
  116. Doris Schutt (Doris Open...)
  117. Doug Graves
  118. Doug Hole
  119. Doug & Phil Updegrave (yes, this is a legitimate last name)
  120. Doug Witherspoon
  121. Douglas Furr
  122. Dr. Baldock (of course he's a Urologist)
  123. Dr. Croak
  124. Dr. Harry C. Beaver (real OB/GYN, retired now)
  125. Dr. Bender (Chiropracter)
  126. Dr. Butcher
  127. Dr. DeKay, DDS
  128. Dr. & Dr. Doctor (real married doctors from Norwalk, CT)
  129. Dr. E. Ville
  130. Dr. Shelly Fingerhood (real OB/GYN)
  131. Dr. Gass (allegedly a real anesthesiologist)
  132. Dr. Gutstein
  133. Dr. Hanus
  134. Dr. Hurt (real pediatrician in Saginaw, MI)
  135. Dr. Hymen
  136. Dr. I. Ball (optometrist)
  137. Dr. Kauff
  138. Dr. Look (real opthalmologist in Hawaii)
  139. Dr. Looney - a psychiatrist of course!
  140. Dr. Payne (plastic surgeon in Sandusky, OH)
  141. Dr. Pullham
  142. Dr. Robert Fallis, real doctor who does vasectomies)
  143. Dr. Slaughter (proof HERE, probably more with that name)
  144. Dr. Surgeon (another real doctor from Stamford, CT)
  145. Drew Peacock
  146. Duane Pipe
  147. Dusty Rhodes
  148. Dusty Sandmann (real person, submitted by his dad Roger Sandmann)
  149. Edna May (or may not)
  150. Earl E. Bird
  151. Earl Lee Riser
  152. Easton West (and of course Weston East)
  153. Eaton Wright and Liv Good
  154. Ella Vader
  155. Emma Royds
  156. Eric Shinn
  157. Ernie Coli (E. Coli) owns a Mexican restaurant
  158. Estelle Hertz (it still hurts)
  159. Evan Keel
  160. Faith Christian
  161. Fanny O'Rear
  162. Father A. Long
  163. Ferris Wheeler
  164. Ford Parker
  165. Forrest Green
  166. Dr. Frank Bonebreak (real doctor)
  167. Gae Hooker (allegedly real surgical prep nurse)
  168. Gaye Barr
  169. Gaye Jolly
  170. Gail Storm (Wendy Storm, Dusty Storm and Rory Storm)
  171. Gene Poole
  172. Geoff L. Tavish (Gefilte fish)
  173. Gil Fish
  174. Ginger Rayl, Ginger Snapp, Ginger Vitus
  175. Gladys C. Hughes (glad to see you)
  176. H. Wayne Carver, MD (Connecticut medical examiner who carves up dead people.)
  177. Hamilton Burger (Ham Burger, character on the old Perry Mason TV series)
  178. Harden Thicke
  179. Harold Assman (and you thought that Seinfeld episode was just a joke)
  180. Harry Armand Bach, Harry Balls, Harry Beard, Harry Beaver
  181. Harry Caray (famous sports announcer)
  182. Harry Chest, Harry Cox, Harry Johnson, Harry Legg, Harry Hooker, Harry P. Ness, Harry Peters, Harry Lipp, Harry Sachs
  183. Harry R. M. Pitts
  184. Harry Rump (a real plumber from Freemont, Maine!)
  185. Hazle Nutt
  186. Heidi Clare
  187. Helen Back
  188. Helen Waite (credit manager - if you want credit go to Helen Waite)
  189. Herb Rice
  190. Holly McRell
  191. Holly Day, Holly Wood
  192. Howie Doohan
  193. Hugh Jass
  194. Hugh Jorgan
  195. Hugh Morris (a "humorous" name, thanks to Shaun Oriold)
  196. Hy Ball
  197. Hy Lowe, Bea Lowe
  198. Hy Marx (scholar), Hy Price
  199. I.D. Clair
  200. I. Lasch
  201. I.M. Boring
  202. I.P. Freely, I.P. Daly
  203. Ileane Wright, Ilene South (West, East...)
  204. Ima Hogg (a real person, daughter of a Texas governor)
  205. Iona Ford
  206. Iona Frisbee (alledgedly a real person)
  207. Iona Stonehouse (also alledgedly a real person)
  208. Ivan Oder
  209. Ivana Mandic (a real basketball player)
  210. Ivy Leage
  211. Jack Goff (my uncle - no kidding!)
  212. Jack Haas
  213. Jack Hammer
  214. Jack Knoff
  215. Jack Tupp (the perfect name for a car mechanic)
  216. Jacklyn Hyde
  217. Jay Walker
  218. Jean Poole
  219. Jed Dye (Jedi)
  220. Jenny Tull
  221. Jerry Atrick
  222. Jim Laucher (gym locker)
  223. Jim Shorts, Jim Shu, Jim Sox
  224. Jo King
  225. Joe Kerr (joker)
  226. Jordan Rivers
  227. Joy Kil
  228. Joy Rider
  229. June Bugg
  230. Justin Case, Justin Casey Howells, Justin Hale, Justin Inch, Justin Miles North (just ten miles north), Justin Time,
  231. Kandi Apple
  232. Kay Bull
  233. Keelan Early (dying young) - real person who submitted his own name
  234. Kelly Green
  235. Kenny Penny
  236. Kent C. Strait (an optometrist, of course!)
  237. Kenya Dewit
  238. Kerry Oki
  239. King Queene
  240. Lake Speed (a real person, NASCAR race car driver)
  241. Lance Boyle, Lance Butts
  242. Laura Lynne Hardy
  243. Laura Norder (law and order)
  244. Leigh King (leaking)
  245. Les Moore
  246. Les Payne - should be an anesthesiologist
  247. Les Plack, a real dentist - proof HERE
  248. Levon Coates
  249. Lewis N. Clark (real person, he told me he drives an Explorer)
  250. Lily Pond
  251. Lina Ginster (allegedly real)
  252. Lisa Carr, Kitty Carr, Otto Carr, Parker Carr
  253. Lisa May Boyle, Lisa May Dye
  254. Lois Price (bargain shopper) and her husband Hy Price
  255. Lou Pole
  256. Lou Zar (loser)
  257. Lucy Fer
  258. Luke Warm
  259. Lynn C. Doyle
  260. Lynn O. Liam
  261. M. Balmer
  262. Macon Paine (real name - Google it)
  263. Mark Skid (Skid, Mark)
  264. Manny Kinn
  265. Marlon Fisher
  266. Marsha Dimes (march of dimes)
  267. Marsha Mellow
  268. Marshall Law
  269. Marty Graw
  270. Mary Annette Woodin
  271. Mary A. Richman
  272. Mary Christmas
  273. Matt Tress
  274. Maude L.T. Ford
  275. Max Little
  276. Max Power
  277. May Day
  278. May Furst
  279. Mel Loewe
  280. Melba Crisp (real person who emailed me)
  281. Melody Music
  282. Mia Hamm (a real person)
  283. Mike Easter
  284. Mike Hunt
  285. Mike Raffone
  286. Mike Reinhart (My Cryin' Heart - sounds like it could be a country song)
  287. Mike Rotch
  288. Mike Stand (a real person)
  289. Mike Sweeney (sounds as Mike's weenie), famous baseball player
  290. Minny van Gogh
  291. Missy Sippy (and her mom, Mrs. Sippy)
  292. Mister Bates
  293. Misty Waters (a real person)
  294. Misty C. Shore (a real person), Rocky Shore, Sandy C. Shore (another real person)
  295. Mo Lestor
  296. Molly Kuehl
  297. Mona Lott
  298. Monica Monica (real person)
  299. Morey Bund
  300. Muddy Waters (famous blues singer, real name McKinley Morganfield)
  301. Myles Long
  302. Nancy Ann Cianci
  303. Nat Sass
  304. Neil Down, Neil Crouch
  305. Neil McNeil (submitted by his cousin)
  306. Nick O. Time
  307. Noah Riddle, Noah Lott
  308. Norma Leigh Lucid
  309. Olive Branch
  310. Olive Yew
  311. Oliver Sutton (all of a sudden)
  312. Ophelia Payne
  313. Oren Jellow
  314. Orson Carte
  315. Oscar Ruitt
  316. Otto Graf
  317. Owen Moore, Owen Bigg (should be tax collectors)
  318. P. Ness, A. Ness
  319. P. Brain
  320. Paige Turner
  321. Park A. Studebaker
  322. Pat Downe (a real person)
  323. Pat McCann
  324. Pat Hiscock
  325. Pearl Button
  326. Pearl E. Gates, Pearl E. White
  327. Peg Legge
  328. Penny Dollar, Bill Dollar (real people)
  329. Penny Lane, Penny Nichols, Penny Profit, Penny Wise
  330. Pepe Roni
  331. Pete Moss and his son Forest
  332. Peter Johnson (a real announcer on public radio), Dick Johnson
  333. Peter Peed
  334. Peter Wacko, DDS (real dentist in Calgary, AB, proof HERE)
  335. Phil Bowles (must be a pot dealer)
  336. Phil Graves (cemetery employee, works with his brother Doug Graves)
  337. Phil Rupp
  338. Phil Wright, DDS (real dentist in Anchorage, AK, proof HERE)
  339. Phillip D. Bagg (partner of Robin Banks below)
  340. Pierce Cox (ouch!)
  341. Pierce Deere
  342. Pierce Hart
  343. Polly Ester
  344. Post, Mark
  345. Price Wright (another real person)
  346. Priti Manek ("pretty manic", real doctor in Houston, TX)
  347. R. M. Pitt
  348. R. Sitch
  349. R. Slicker
  350. Randy Guy
  351. Randy Lover
  352. Raney Schauer
  353. Ray Gunn
  354. Ray Zenz (raisins)
  355. Raynor Schein
  356. Reid Enright
  357. Rex Easley (reportedly a real traffic safety teacher at Kamiakin High, Kennewick, WA)
  358. Rhea Curran
  359. Rhoda Booke, Rita Booke
  360. Rich Feller, Rich Guy
  361. Richard P. Cox (real person)
  362. Richard Chopp (real Urologist in Austin, TX, does vasectomies)
  363. Rick O'Shea
  364. Rick Shaw
  365. Rip Torn
  366. Rita Buch
  367. Robin Andis Merryman
  368. Robin Banks, Rob Banks, Robin Feathers, Robin Money, U. O. Money
  369. Robert and Reginald Soles (allegedly real brothers: R. Soles)
  370. Rock Pounder, Rock Bottoms
  371. Rocky Beach, Sandy Beach
  372. Rocky Mountain, Cliff Mountain
  373. Rocky Rhoades
  374. Rod N. Reel
  375. Roman Holiday
  376. Rose Bush, Rose Gardner
  377. Rowan Boatman
  378. Royal Payne
  379. Russell Leeves
  380. Russell Sprout
  381. Rusty Blades, Rusty Bridges, Rusty Carr, Rusty Dorr, Rusty Fossat, Rusty Fender
  382. Rusty Irons, Rusty Keyes, Rusty Nail, Rusty Pipes, Rusty Steele
  383. Sal A. Mander
  384. Sal Minella, Sam Manilla, Sam & Ella's restaurant
  385. Sally Forth
  386. Sarah Bellum
  387. Sawyer B. Hind, Sawyer Dickey (even better, I. Sawyer Dickey)
  388. Sandy Banks, Sandy Beech, Sandy Brown, Sandy Spring
  389. Seth Poole (poor guy has a lisp)
  390. Seymour Bush (gynecologist), Seymour Butz (proctologist), Seymour Wiener (urologist)
  391. Shanda Lear (daughter of Bill Lear, inventor of the Lear jet)
  392. Sharon Fillerup
  393. Sharon Needles, Sharon Weed, Sharon A. Burger
  394. Sheila Blige
  395. Skip Roper, Skip Stone
  396. Sonny Day
  397. Sno White (real person)
  398. Stan Still - should own a 'stationery' store :->)
  399. Stanley Cupp
  400. Dr. Steven Sumey (Dr. sue me, real person in Fairmont, MN)
  401. Sue Flay
  402. Sue Ridge (sewerage)
  403. Sue Yu, Sue Jeu
  404. Summer Camp (allegedly a real person)
  405. Summer Day
  406. Summer Greene
  407. Sy Burnette
  408. Tad Moore
  409. Tad Pohl
  410. Tanya Hyde
  411. Tara Cherry, real gynecologist (PROOF)
  412. Terry Achey (real name)
  413. Terry Bull (allegedly real name, and his brother Eddie Bull)
  414. Tess Steckle
  415. Therese R. Green, Teresa Green
  416. Thomas Richard Harry
  417. Tim Burr
  418. Tish Hughes
  419. Tittsworth & Grabbe, real law firm (PROOF)
  420. Tom A. Toe
  421. Tom Katt
  422. Tom Morrow
  423. Tommy Gunn
  424. Tommy Hawk
  425. Trina Woods, Trina Forest (tree in the woods, tree in a forest)
  426. Ty Coon, Ty Knotts
  427. Viola Solo
  428. Virginia Beach
  429. Walter Melon
  430. Wanda Rinn
  431. Wanna Hickey
  432. Warren Peace
  433. Warren T.
  434. Will Power
  435. Will Race (real person who told me he races cars and on foot)
  436. Will Wynn (Mayor of Austin, Texas)
  437. Willie B. Hardigan
  438. Willie Leak (or won't he)
  439. Willie Stroker
  440. Willie Waite
  441. Winsom Cash, Owen Cash
  442. Woody Forrest
  443. X. Benedict

  444. Longer Submissions
  445. Someone sent me this: "A coworker whose last name is Naze wanted to name his daughter May Ann Naze but his wife refused."
  446. Then a few months later I received this: "I believe I was that child. My dad (Robert Naze) used to tell me that story all the time when I was a little girl. He and my grandfather both wanted that to be my name because they thought it was hilarious, but my mom refused because she didn't want me to get made fun of as a child. My name instead ended up being Melissa Ann Naze."
  447. Someone else sent me this: "My aunt's name is Debra May Page and she married Patrick Dye, so now she is called Debra May Dye!! Lol!!"
  448. And this is from another Dye: "My maiden name is Mandy Brown and I married Timmy Dye. My name is now Mandy Brown Dye. Our marriage announcement in the local paper read BROWN-DYE. I also know siblings named Rusty Keys and Penny Keys. I almost named my kids May Dye and Will Dye. My husband wouldn't have it!"
  449. Meg Boner sent me this: "This one is real - it's mine. My maiden name was Meg Ann Childress. Nothing exciting. Well, I married Alan Boner, and now I am Meg A. Boner!"
  450. I love this recent submission: "My friend's name is Crystal Ware and has been made fun of all of her life for it. She's been called names like Tupperware, silverware, and the famous underwear."
  451. This is from Misty Cupp: "My maiden name is Misty Cupp (Miss Tea Cup). I am now Mason. My family jokes that I went from a tea cup to a Mason jar. I have a cousin named Crystal Cupp."
  452. And this: "Our last name is Reitz pronounced rights. When my husband and I were expecting our son he wanted to name him William Oliver Reitz (Bill O. Reitz) [but] I wouldn't go for it."
  453. From Kristin G: "When I was a teenager, I worked with a woman named Terry (spelled that way) who married a man with the last name Terry (yes, spelled that way) so her name was Terry Terry. In a neighboring town, many years ago, a family named Teed had two sons, whom they named Warren and Garren. Finally, in our local phone book is a listing which appears as 'Miss, Kris' which, of course, would make her name 'Kris Miss.' Sometimes I wonder what in the world parents are thinking!!!"
  454. From Robert Eisenschmidt: "I have a friend, Bill Land, who named his daughter Alison Wanda Land. His wife changed the name on the birth certificate when she found out."
  455. From Joyce: "I enjoyed your website, especially the funny names. Where I work, there is a woman named Constance Sweat and another named Elizabeth Ard - she detests being called Liz Ard and prefers Beth. I knew another girl who named her son Eddy Bair."
  456. From Phil Simms: "I knew a girl that went to Westside High in Omaha Nebraska named Summer Holiday."
  457. From Theresa Glass: "When I was pregnant with my oldest son I wanted to name him Otto. Our last name is Glass. Otto Glass (auto glass). His dad wouldn't allow it."
  458. From John Klaessy: "My sister, Ann Klaessy (pronounced classy), lives near you in Suffield, CT. She married a guy with the last name of Ho. She took her maiden name as her middle name. Therefore, her name is A. Klaessy Ho."
  459. From Denny Lease: "Here in Walla Walla, Washington (a funny name in itself) we once had a Dr. Ruff and a Dr. Au (pronounced OW)."
  460. From Anna Mirer: "My grandfather's name was Les Cash, his wife was named Dess, and together they owned and operated the Cash Inn."
  461. From Chris Von Feldt: "Kit Wong married Jason Chiu - so she's Kit Chiu (and an architect in Seattle). She said it sounded funny and wanted to hyphenate to Kit Wong-Chiu. I said 'what about the right shoe.' She said to go ahead and stick with the sneeze name."
  462. From Mariah Mann: "My husband's name is Clay Mann. We have often thought of names for children ... Anita Mann, Hugh Mann, Matt Mann, Eileen Mann." [EW: What about Batt Mann?]
  463. From Ashleigh Conners: "My name is Ashleigh Connors, my fiancée is John Tray. So when I get married I will become Ashleigh Tray. All my friends call me Ash. Ash Tray."
  464. From Dan Jeckering: "I went to school with a family with the last name of Schauers (pronounced showers). They had three daughters named Misty, Dawn and April."
  465. From Sam Ann Fisher: "I saw your page of funny names and I thought wow my name belongs here. I never figured out why I got named this but it's hilarious."
  466. From Yvonne Iwasa: "My cousin's wife is Cherrie Crisp. My friend's dad is Wally Wacker."
  467. From Jerry Brown: "My former wife's first husband was named Green, my name is Brown, she later married Robert Gray."
  468. From Cal Ernst: "Back in the early 70s I went to college with two girls, Trudy Will and Cathy May. Probably not very funny on their own, but we had a good time with it back then. 'Cathy May but Trudy Will.' They were both good looking, too."
  469. From Angeline Coffin: My name is A. Glass Coffin. My daughter-in-law was J. L. Beyt (jail bait). My sister was Betty Carr Glass and is now Betty Glass Ware.
  470. From Coby Unger: My parents almost named me Thurston Unger.
  471. From Lonna Levine: In my mother-in-law's family, her own mother's name is Ginger Mintz, and she has cousins named John and Candace Mintz whose nicknames growing up were Pepper and Candy.
  472. From Brittany Shorrock: My best friend's name is Erin May Read. I don't think her parents realized what they did. LOL.
  473. From Teri Wright: On funny names, I have came across a few through my work: Justin Towne and Heaven Leigh Day are the most recent. At my previous job I came across Dick Manley and Peter Pann. I have a brother that works for an insurance company, and he could not believe the name of the claimant. It seems he was to be named a variation of his dad's name, Lester, so they named him Moe Lester.
  474. From Tony Franklin: A colleague of mine lectures part time at a university. His name is Mike Coffey, and confusion sometimes occurs when students or staff ask his whereabouts. He takes his black.
  475. From Kris Woods: I know of an Air Force Major who's name is Richard, goes by Dick, last name Holder. So officially he is Major Dick Holder. Real person.
  476. I had to write to you about my aunt. Her name is Winifred, but growing up she always went by Windy. She's had 3 or 4 husbands now, but her latest has the last name of Rump. Yes, I have an aunt Windy Rump.
  477. My name is Cori Ander (like the spice) and my goal is to one day be part of the pop sensation known as the Spice Girls. I also have two classmates (sisters) Shelly May Dye and Catherine Will Dye.
  478. From Robin Hyde: I did the orientations for the new inmates arriving at the state prison in Arizona. I would start out my session by writing my name on the chalkboard and then introduce myself by saying "Hi, my name is Robin Hyde. I understand some of you used to do that for a living."
  479. From Tim: "In college, my friend Susie Beaver was roommates with Molly Shaver."
  480. From Brett Kissane: "Michigan's attorney general is named Mike Cox. One of his commercials says "Mike Cox is hard on the issues."
  481. From Harold Jewell: "If operatic singer Kathleen Battle married classical pianist Emanuel Ax, she'd be Kathleen Battle Ax."
  482. From cherokeeblazer: "There was Count D'Monet who of course has a lovely wife named Anita (Anita D'Monet). They have a son named Owen but he didn't like the eurpoean "D" so he is just Owen Monet."
  483. From Charlie Mitchell: "In the early 1990s, I worked with a man by the name of Pepsi diCola. I also know of a man named Coca diCola. The two are not related. You gotta love the Italians."
  484. From Ron Jones: "My first manager at Hewlett-Packard, Palo Alto was Brooks Esser. Not too amusing, until I realized his first initial and last name are B. Esser. I first realized this in his presence, and I laughed out loud right in front of him, pretty much uncontrolled for a good 30 seconds!!! He wasn't amused."
  485. From Cynthia Purdy: "I know a girl named Isabelle-Marie Maddon. She married a guy whose last name is Kersing. In Quebec, we are not allowed to drop our maiden names, but it's acceptable to hyphenate our married names. So now her name is I.M. Maddon-Kersing (I am mad and cursing)."
  486. From Christiana Hundley: I saw your list and I have to add Dr. Harry Bear in Richmond, VA, Dr. Smiley, DDS in Chesterfield, VA, and Mrs. Clara Fiddler, my elementary school music teacher, John Strange Elementary in Indianapolis, IN
  487. From Jim Ware: I'm JR Ware. We have an A Ware and a B Ware in our family. When I was in the Air Force, Sgt. and Mrs. Hohole named their kid Ophelia. Poor girl.
  488. From Jeremy Mays: Being in the military we get some pretty funny names with the ranks.
  489. Major Payne - Yes he worked at the hospital.
  490. Captain Hook - A friend's officer in charge of his section.
  491. Colonel Sergeant - My base commander in Korea. To me it's funny because a Colonel is an officer and a Sergeant is enlisted.
  492. From Molly Shackleford: When I worked at the Smithfield Police Department, in Smithfield, VA, I had the chance to work with a Detective named Burt Nurney. He would get audibly frustrated (over the police radio) if anyone said his name too fast. I gathered that he was not a fan of "Sesame Street."
  493. From Dawn Epstein: I worked for Centronics in the late 70s to early 80s, and we had an electronic parts representative whose name was D.C. Current. He swore it was genuinely his birth name, and added that his father's name was "A.C. Current, and they rectified the situation."
  494. From Becky Friday: I have a couple actual names for you from the area where I live (Bay City, Michigan): Lester and Esther Festerling (married couple), Rusty and Sandy Pyles (married couple), Sonny & Rosie Holes (married couple), Weiner & Cox Law Firm (Detroit). PS: My last name is Friday, and when I was born, the nurses in the hospital tried talking my Mom and Dad into naming me "Tuesday Friday," as Tuesday Weld was a popular actress then. Also, I have a sister-in-law named Jo Friday.
  495. From Doug Horton: I had a veterinary who was called Peter Nutt (P. Nutt) and his wife's name was Hazel.
  496. From Bena: There was a female private I used to know in Ottawa when I was in the military. Her name was Sheila Rose Richardson. She married a serviceman surnamed Hiscock and became Sheila Rose Hiscock.
  497. From Carol Dasseos: My mother told me about a girl in her elementary school who was named Etta Byrd. They used to tease her every time her name was called by saying, "How did it taste?"
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